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Zoom University

College Connect

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

Mikayla Acree

PHHS '18, Kings College '22

In the beginning, the idea of remote learning didn’t seem effective to me. I woke up 15 minutes before class, threw my hair in a bun, and kept my mute button on until the end of class. Going from in-person to online education was most definitely a difficult transition but I quickly learned how to make the most out of my virtual learning experience. Zoom has proven to be a wonderful platform that allows students to communicate and stay connected. Even though I had to finish my sophomore year from home, I’m happy I got to finish it in a safe and feasible manor. This fall many students will continue to learn from home so I would like to share some tips I found worked for me to make the most out of Zoom University. Since most remote learning is done at one’s own pace, it can be hard to manage time and stay engaged. Personally, I found that creating a solid routine for myself helped me to stay organized and motivated. Just like if I were on campus, I would get dressed, make my bed, and write down the tasks that had to be completed for the day. In between lectures, classes, and meetings, I made time to step away from my computer screen. I took multiple breaks throughout the day to go for a walk, bake, paint or do chorus around the house. I wanted both my mind and eyes to have a break from the computer. I gave myself some kind of structure and tried to do something new every day, so I didn’t feel trapped in my bedroom. This definitely helped me feel better about doing school from home. I still felt productive and connected. In high school I NEVER used assignment pads. I really don’t know why but for some reason I never found them to be helpful. In college however, my planner is my best friend. I’m what I call a “crosser outer”. I write everything down that needs to be accomplished for school and put a big line through it once the assignment is completed. I would be lying if I said it didn’t give me so much satisfaction. Even though I tried to get as much as I could done it one day, during remote learning I gave myself a cut off time. After all, the work would still be there tomorrow. I both mentally and physically logged off of Zoom University usually around 6pm. I wanted to give myself time to unwind, watch a movie, and do things that I enjoy. One of those things being taking the time to talk to friends. Being at home for so long made me miss socialization and simply being around people. Most of my friends from college are out of state so it was weird going from seeing them every day to not. We decided to have a Zoom PowerPoint party every Friday evening. This was so much fun and something we all looked forward to. We even came up with themed dress up nights. It was such a great way to stay connected and spend time with one another even if it was from our computer screen. It’s something we continued to do even after restrictions were lifted. Remote learning is different for everyone, but it still can be engaging. The best advice I have is to find a balance and make the most of your time. Zoom University is what you make it.


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